The Capital Breach–What is Pelosi Hiding?
Our Representatives being stonewalled while fake news promotes a false narrative is unacceptable.
Our Representatives being stonewalled while fake news promotes a false narrative is unacceptable.
Polling shows that the most American’s trust of the media is at an all-time low. This interchange between Van Der Veen and CBS anchor Lana Zak is a tutorial in how the media shapes skewed perceptions and blurs truth.
On Saturday, February 13, 2021 Donald Trump was acquitted in the impeachment trial. The vote was 57-43.
As more evidence comes out, more questions emerge as to why the events of that day transpired.
Justice is, and has been, trampled in our country. Children, women, and men of every race have been denied due process for years. The fact that they are doing this to Trump in broad daylight should scare the daylights out of you, regardless of how you feel about Trump.
Trump supporters have been beaten, mocked, and assaulted across the country. Given the rhetoric of the Democrat party leaders, is there any wonder?
Clearly, whatever is going on in DC does not meet any of these Constitutional guidelines for impeachment.
So why did all Senate Democrats and 11 Republicans vote that it is Constitutional? This is the question every citizen should be asking–regardless of party.