Retired Army Colonel Phil Waldron Answers The Questions We Are All Asking
David & Stacy Whited of Flyover Conservatives sits down with Retired Army Colonel Phil Waldron and asks the questions for which we have all been wanting answers.
David & Stacy Whited of Flyover Conservatives sits down with Retired Army Colonel Phil Waldron and asks the questions for which we have all been wanting answers.
In the fallout from the Nov. 3 election, numerous credible allegations of voting irregularities have arisen in the form of sworn affidavits and other evidence.
Is your vote secure? Does your vote count?
Georgia election data indicates 17,650 votes were removed from President Donald Trump and another 12,173 votes were switched to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Wednesday during a state Senate hearing.
The problem with politicians writing press releases is they’re often written like legislation: Too long, somewhat boring, and intended to go over everyone’s head. That’s probably why yesterday’s bombshell got passed over by most.
As the days tick by, the tension in the nation continues to be felt everywhere. People monitor the news hoping for clues. They are anxious
Other countries were watching the attacks on our elections systems.
If a networked system of computers was used to fraudulently affect vote counts…the results might look like exactly like this.
By Peter Navarro Read the Navarro Report here. All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.