Lin Wood: President Trump won 400 electoral votes
EDITORIAL: Stacey Abrams Breaks Readers’ Hearts, Politicizes Romance Fiction
Georgia Democrat and author Stacey Abrams, still licking her wounds after her loss to Republican Brian Kemp in the 2018 gubernatorial race, is now leveraging
Second Georgia County Finds Thousands More Votes, Majority Are For Trump
Source: A second county in Georgia has found a memory card with thousands of votes that had not been uploaded into the system used
Floyd County Georgia Election Officials not allowed to comment on 2700 missing votes
Source: A recount in Georgia’s presidential race found more than 2,600 ballots in Floyd County that hadn’t originally been tallied, likely helping President Donald
NY Times’ Michigan Data: Massive Vote Dump at 6AM Wednesday (96% for Biden) Used To Overcome Huge Trump Lead
Source: For the startling analysis of apparent Pennsylvania vote manipulation, please see this post. I’ve retrieved all of The New York Times’ 2020 presidential